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Dynamischer Auto Port HTTP Webserver unter C#

Dass man in .NET C# auch multithreaded HTTP Webserver schreiben kann, dürfte jedem klar sein.

Hier mal ein Klassenbeispiel, das automatisch einen freien Port ermittelt und den NAN_Webserver als Instant Webserver startet.
Wahlweise können PHP, Perl, etc als CGI-ausführende Programme deaklariert werden samt Dateitypen, sowie das Home-Verzeiichnis, und zwar alles direkt aus dem GUI-Designer heraus.


using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;

namespace libHSchadeck
public class MimeTypeMap {
public string Extension {
get { return extension; }
set { extension = value; }

    public string MimeType {
        get { return mimeType; }
        set { mimeType = value; }

    public bool IsBinary {
        get { return isBinary; }
        set { isBinary = value; }
    private string extension;
    private string mimeType;
    private bool isBinary;
public class CgiExtension {
    public string Extension {
        get { return extension; }
        set { extension = value; }

    public string ServerSubExecPath {
        get { return serverSubExecPath; }
        set { serverSubExecPath = value; }
    private string extension;
    private string serverSubExecPath;
/// <summary>
/// Description of NANWebserver.
/// </summary>

public class NANWebserver : System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
    private TcpListener listener;
    private IPAddress listenAddress = IPAddress.Parse("");
    private int listenPortBase = 80;
    private int listenPort = 80;
    private string pathServer = "server";
    private string pathServerSubHome = "web";
    private string[] clientIps = new string;
    private string[] listenHosts = new string;
    private CgiExtension[] cgiExtensions = new CgiExtension;
    private Hashtable mimeMaps = new Hashtable();
    private Process serverProcess;
    private bool closeNow = false;
    public CgiExtension[] CgiExtensions {
        get { return cgiExtensions; }
        set { cgiExtensions = value; }
    public int ListenPortBase {
        get { return listenPortBase; }
        set { listenPortBase = value; }
    public string PathServer {
        get { return pathServer; }
        set { pathServer = value; }

    public string PathServerSubHome {
        get { return pathServerSubHome; }
        set { pathServerSubHome = value; }
    public string[] ClientIps {
        get { return clientIps; }
        set { clientIps = value; }
    public string[] ListenHosts {
        get { return listenHosts; }
        set { listenHosts = value; }

    public NANWebserver()

    private void init() {
        this.clientIps = "all";
        this.listenHosts = "";
        this.listenHosts = "localhost";
    public void addMimeTable(string table) {
        foreach(string line in table.Split(';')) {
            string[] cols = line.Trim().Split(':');
            this.addMimeType(cols,cols,((cols == "1") ? true : false));
    public bool removeMimeType(string extension) {
        if(this.existMimeType(extension)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    public bool existMimeType(string extension) {
        return this.mimeMaps.ContainsKey(extension);
    public void addMimeType(string extension, string mimeType, bool binary) {
        if(this.existMimeType(extension)) {
        MimeTypeMap map = new MimeTypeMap();
        map.Extension = extension;
        map.MimeType = mimeType;
        map.IsBinary = binary;
        this.mimeMaps.Add(extension, map);
    private void writeTypes() {
        string file = this.pathServer+"types.txt";
        if(File.Exists(file)) {
        string content = "";
        foreach(MimeTypeMap map in this.mimeMaps.Values) {
            content += map.Extension+"t"+((map.IsBinary == true) ? "1" : "0") + "t" + map.MimeType+Environment.NewLine;
        File.WriteAllText(file, content);
    private void writeSettings() {
        string file = this.pathServer+"settings.txt";
        if(File.Exists(file)) {
        string content = "";
        content += "port="+this.listenPort+Environment.NewLine;
        content += "docroot="+this.pathServerSubHome+Environment.NewLine;
        foreach(string host in this.listenHosts) {
            content += "hostname="+host+Environment.NewLine;
        foreach(string client in this.clientIps) {
            content += "clientip="+client+Environment.NewLine;
        foreach(CgiExtension ext in this.cgiExtensions) {
            content += ext.Extension+"="+ext.ServerSubExecPath+Environment.NewLine;
        File.WriteAllText(file, content);
    public int Start() {
        int port = this.tryStart(this.listenPortBase);
        this.listenPort = port;
        if(!this.pathServer.Contains(":")) {
            this.pathServer = Environment.CurrentDirectory+""+this.pathServer;
        return port;
    public void Stop() {
        this.closeNow = true;
        try {
        } catch(Exception e) {
        try {
            string file = this.pathServer+"settings.txt";
        } catch {

        try {
            string file = this.pathServer+"types.txt";
        } catch {



    private void startServer() {
        if(!this.closeNow) {
            this.serverProcess = new Process();

    private void initServer() {
        string server = this.pathServer + "nanweb.exe";
        this.serverProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = this.pathServer;
        this.serverProcess.StartInfo.FileName = server;
        this.serverProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = "-s -m -bc=0";
        this.serverProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
        this.serverProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
        this.serverProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle= ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
        this.serverProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
        this.serverProcess.Disposed+= delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            if(!this.closeNow) {
        this.serverProcess.Exited+= delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            if(!this.closeNow) {

    private int tryStart(int port) {
        try {
            this.listener = new TcpListener(this.listenAddress, port) ;
            return port;
        } catch {
            return this.tryStart(port+1);



Nach Zuweisung der Werte im GUI-Editor beispielsweise folgenden Code für Formular einfügen:

void MainFormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
int port = this.nanWebserver1.Start();
this.webBrowser1.Url = new Uri(""+port+"/index.php");

    void MainFormFormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)

NANWebserver Klasse Downloads: 8699 times

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