Latest news API ähnlich aktuelle Datei-Download-URLs ermitteln

An dieser Stelle nur ein kleines Beispiel, wie man mit PHP von API ähnlich die Download URL zu einer Datei-Version eines Spiegel-Servers ermittelt mit Hilfe meiner Klasse, die die Snoopy-Klasse erweitert, welche einen Web-Browser simuliert.

Hier die Klasse:

< ?php

  • @see
    require_once (dirname(FILE) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ‘Snoopy.class.php’);
  • small and easy API like file access class
  • @author Holger Schadeck
  • @access public
    class SFnet extends Snoopy {
    var $sProjectsBaseUrl = ‘‘;
    var $sProjectBaseUrl = ‘‘;
    var $sDownloadBaseUrl = ‘‘;
    var $host = ‘’;
    var $agent = ‘Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20070515 Firefox/’;
    var $aProjectsFilesData = array ();

    • gets links and data
    • @access private
    • @param string $sUrl URL
    • @return mixed array of links data or boolean false
      function _getLinks($sUrl) {
      $expandlinks = $this->expandlinks;
      $this->expandlinks = false;
      if ($this->fetch($sUrl)) {
      $aLinks = $this->_striplinks($this->results);
      $aLinks = array_combine($aLinks, $this->_expandlinks($aLinks, $sUrl));
      $aReturnLinks = array ();
      foreach ($aLinks as $sLocal => $sRemote) {
      if (preg_match(‘/<a .

    ?href=’ . preg_quote($sLocal, ‘/’) . ‘.?>(.?)< /a>/i’, $this->results, $aFound)) {
    $sRemote = html_entity_decode(utf8_decode($sRemote));
    $sLocal = html_entity_decode(utf8_decode($sLocal));
    $aReturnLinks = array (
    ‘text’ => trim(html_entity_decode(utf8_decode($aFound
    ))), ‘url_download’ => $sRemote, ‘data’ => parse_url($sRemote), ‘args’ => array ());
    parse_str($aReturnLinks, $aReturnLinks);
    $mReturn = $aReturnLinks;
    } else {
    $mReturn = (false);
    $this->expandlinks = $expandlinks;
    return $mReturn;

  • Gets and caches the file links data of all packages for a project
  • @access public
  • @param string $sProject name of a project (exmaple: => snoopy)
  • @return array with project file links data arrays, each with the keys: "text", "url_download", "data" and "args"
    function getFilesOfProject($sProject) {
    $sProjectUrl = $this->sProjectsBaseUrl . $sProject . ‘/’;
    $sDownloadUrl = $this->sDownloadBaseUrl . $sProject;
    if (!array_key_exists($sProject, $this->aProjectsFilesData) && $aLinks = $this->_getLinks($sProjectUrl)) {
    $aReturnLinks = array ();
    foreach (preg_grep(‘/^’ . preg_quote($this->sProjectBaseUrl . ‘showfiles.php’, ‘/’) . ‘.
    group_id=(+?).?#downloads$/’, array_keys($aLinks)) as $iKey => $sUrl) {
    if ($aLinks = $this->_getLinks($sUrl)) {
    $this->aProjectsFilesData = array ();
    foreach (preg_grep(‘/^’ . preg_quote($sDownloadUrl, ‘/’) . ‘/’, array_keys($aLinks)) as $iKey => $sFileUrl) {
    $this->aProjectsFilesData)] = & $aLinks;
    return $this->aProjectsFilesData;
    } else {
    return array ();
    return array ();
    } else
    if (array_key_exists($sProject, $this->aProjectsFilesData)) {
    return $this->aProjectsFilesData;
    } else {
    return array ();
  • gets the url for a project file
  • @access public
  • @uses SFnet::getFilesOfProject to get cached or load not cached project files data
  • @param string $sProject name of the project
  • @param string $sFile name of the release file
  • @return mixed string URL of project file download or false;
    function getDownloadUrlForProjectFile($sProject, $sFile) {
    $aProjectFilesData = & $this->getFilesOfProject($sProject);
    return ((array_key_exists($sFile, $aProjectFilesData)) ? $aProjectFilesData : (false));
  • gets the modification timestamp for a project file
  • @access public
  • @uses SFnet::getFilesOfProject to get cached or load not cached project files data
  • @param string $sProject name of the project
  • @param string $sFile name of the release file
  • @return string timestamp of project file;
    function getTimeForProjectFile($sProject, $sFile) {
    $aProjectFilesData = & $this->getFilesOfProject($sProject);
    return ((array_key_exists($sFile, $aProjectFilesData) && array_key_exists(‘modtime’, $aProjectFilesData)) ? $aProjectFilesData : (false));

    Hier das Beispiel:

    < ?php

  • Just an example of
  • @access public
  • @author Holger Schadeck
  • including the SFnet class
    require_once (‘lib/’);
    $SFprojects = new SFnet();
  • declare the target project
    $sProject = ‘mingw’;
  • loop over project file
    foreach ($SFprojects->getFilesOfProject($sProject) as $sFile => $aFileData) {

    • show each file with download URL and modification timestamp
    • the use of SFnet::getDownloadUrlForProjectFile and SFnet::getTimeForProjectFile methods normally make no sense,
    • if its project name is the same as the project name of the project files loop,
    • because you can get the data from the file data array, here $aFileData and $aFileData];
    • @see SFnet::getFilesOfProject
      echo $sFile . ‘ => ‘ . $SFprojects->getDownloadUrlForProjectFile($sProject, $sFile) . ‘ (Modifiziert: ‘ . $SFprojects->getTimeForProjectFile($sProject, $sFile) . ‘)

  • ‘;

    Wie man vielleich sieht, kann man sogar den Timestamp des Änderungsdatums ermitteln.
    Und hier das ganze zum Downloaden:

    Erstveröffentlichung am 16.03.2023 @ 16:05

    1 Gedanke zu „ API ähnlich aktuelle Datei-Download-URLs ermitteln“

    1. Funzt nicht bei mir 🙁

      Warning: array_combine() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in ..SFnet/lib/ on line 31

      Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in …SFnet/lib/ on line 33

      Schade sowas such ich nämlich.

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